Lucky enough to worked on fun campaigns with interesting clients.
Lab6 Media
Lab6 Media has accomplished some big milestones for a team that was founded from a mutual love of epicurean delights. Some people get married in Vegas. You could say I found my co-founder Karen Garcia in Vegas. We kept going to the same conferences and running into each at the same restaurants, pitching different clients. So why not join forces?
A decade later and we’ve built a pretty good team. We were even named one of the Top 30 Affiliate Agencies in the World. Our expertise has evolved across a spectrum of services beyond Affiliate Marketing including: Mobile App Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Video Marketing, and Social Media Campaigns.
What I still like best is working on creative outside-the-box campaigns with clients. Here are some of the ones we’ve worked with:

PopShops was the brainchild of Jessie Jones. It was also the first startup that I was part of at launch. Jessie recruited me as the founding CMO, in part because I was the one person she could find in Seattle that could answer all of her affiliate network datafeed questions.
PopShops’ vision was to combine and standardize the datafeeds of every affiliate network plus feeds from Ebay and Amazon Associate, into a WYSWIG that would allow affiliates to create dynamic storefronts. In 2007 that was an idea that was ahead of its time. And ahead of where the markets were at.
We tried raising capital with every VC firm that would here us pitch. Madrona and half a dozen others said no. Mercent was helpful but Eric Best felt there wasn’t enough overlap between SEM and Affiliate. Eventually, we were acquired up by Rakuten in August of 2013. As is often the case with such acquisitions they buried the product so that way competitors couldn’t leverage it.
I still have fond memories of our ramshackle office was out of a storage garage in Fremont. And the giddy feeling of building something from scratch.

Interim CMO Roles
Occasionally with Lab6 Media, I’ve had the opportunity to serve in dedicated interim CMO roles for clients. Two of the longest and most challenging were with RedMoon Petfood (as custom pet food startup out of Canada) and Things From Another World (a subsidiary of Dark Horse Comics).